06352_2020. C 100 Studio. Catamold-Produkte

Metal Injection Molding (MIM)


MIM Process

Catamold® Feedstock for Metal Injection Molding

Best in class feedstock for your next project

Technology introduction


  • Net shape production process for metal components, merging powder metallurgy & plastic injection molding ​

  • High level of part complexity

  • High material utilization (95 - 98%)​

  • Close dimensional control on several simultaneous features​

  • Good as-sintered surface finish​

  • Flexibility in composition, materials and microstructures​

  • Naturally suited to automation and mass production

Process steps

Material selection​
Specific alloy & recipe choice for property requirements & application​
Customized for application ​

Material selection​
Specific alloy & recipe choice for property requirements & application​
Customized for application ​

Material selection​
Specific alloy & recipe choice for property requirements & application​
Customized for application ​

Material selection​
Specific alloy & recipe choice for property requirements & application​
Customized for application ​

Inherent shrinkage in part defined by the Oversizing Factor (OSF)

Material Selection​


Broad portfolio for your specific applications.

Customized materials for special applications and needs.​