
Electronic Materials

We enable a digital life!

In the highly dynamic world of electronic materials, you need more than a reliable and strong partner. We have been supplying electronic materials for more than 30 years. The experience we have earned and the chemical expertise we possess enables us to offer outstanding products and solutions to our customers. At BASF, we offer process chemicals and customized formulated solutions for the semiconductor and display industry as well as specialized metal systems for consumer electronics and industrial applications.

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Competencies which count
We provide our customers with an array of added-values that help them to become more successful.
With a wide variety of solutions and products, BASF helps to convert solar energy more efficiently into electricity and heat.
BASF Chemielaboranten begutachten die Oberflächenstruktur eines Siliziumwafers. Im Reinraumlabor führen die BASF-Experten Anwendungstests in den Bereichen Chemie und Oberflächenbearbeitung von Halbleitern durch.  Als einer der Marktführer in Asien und Europa verfügt BASF über ein großes Know-how im Bereitstellen von Prozesschemikalien und Lösungen für die Halbleiterindustrie.
Abdruck honorarfrei. Copyright by BASF.

Chemical lab technicians inspect the surface structure of a silicon wafer. In the clean room laboratory, BASF experts carry out application tests in chemistry and in semiconductor surface conditioning. As a leading market player in Asia and Europe, BASF has strong expertise in delivering process chemicals and solutions for the semiconductor industry.  
Print free of charge. Copyright by BASF.
R&D for Advanced Technology Nodes
The trend in integrated circuits (ICs) is to consistently migrate to smaller feature sizes with enhanced performance, density and cost per function. New manufacturing processes therefore emerge to push forward the next generation technology. To meet these industry realities, the availability of new and advanced materials are critical. At BASF, our R&D experts have a profound understanding of our customer’s needs and the process requirements, most of them having years of experience in the IC industry.