
Spotlight on Solar

In order to use solar energy worldwide as efficiently as possible, intelligent technologies and innovative materials are needed. With a wide variety of solutions and products, BASF helps to convert solar energy more efficiently into electricity and heat.

Innovations from BASF’s labs promote energy efficiency in photovoltaics and solar thermal energy – and lower production costs at the same time. Two of these innovations made by CA are Seluris® Clean, a new cleaning solution, and metallization inks from the CypoSolTM L product range.

Did you know...?
[…], how rapeseed oil can be turned into a modern and efficient fuel for your car? The conversion from oil into biodiesel is called "transesterification". During this chemical reaction, triglycerides are transformed into biodiesel thanks to the use of catalysts as e.g. sodium- and potassium methylate
Electronic Materials - Soft Core Particles for CMP

One of the most challenging issues faced by the semiconductor manufacturing industry today is to aggressively and progressively lower the defect level for each technology node. This is particularly challenging for the chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) steps as it may introduce defects via chemical such as corrosion or physical routes such as scratch.

At BASF, an innovative system has been designed and implement in which a polymeric softcore works synergistically with the polishing pad and the primary polishing abrasive particles to achieve significantly lower level of defectivity. Unlike the conventional organic-inorganic composite approach, the BASF softcore system does not compromise the other polishing performance such as removal rate, selectivity, etc. As matter of fact, in some cases, the overall polishing performance was enhanced while a lower defect level was achieved.