

Catamold® – Sustainable solution for your metal part production 

The world is facing major challenges from advancing climate change to limited natural resources. Solutions for sustainable growth and change are required. MIM can be a solution especially for small and complex parts in high lot sizes. MIM is a net shape process which allows for high material utilization and it is well suited for process automation. High yields are guaranteed due to its superb dimensional control.

Product Carbon Footprints create transparency for customers
Digital application to calculate greenhouse gas emissions of  BASF 45,000 sales products

BASF calculates CO2 footprint for all sales products. New digital application to calculate Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) for
45,000 sales products, creating transparency for customers. 

More about PCF


Sustainability @ BASF:

Cradle-to-gate Product Carbon Footprints for BASF’s portfolio available based on process emissions, energy demand and upstream emissions.

Sustainability @ Catamold®:
PIM International March 2022

Catamold® – Sustainable solution for your metal part production 

BASF is a strong and well-known partner since decades for the global industry. We are the world-leader in commercial MIM Feedstock production and the inventor of fast and reliable catalytic debinding system. BASF  is maintaining a global structure of sales, production & development to support our customers wherever they need us.


Catamold® is a strategic partnership for your business success and has a strong track record over different industries. Our product quality and consistency support customers with their success. Catamold® is a sustainable technology with no metal scrap.

Industrialization of MIM is our profession and Innovation is our DNA.


Do you want to learn more about our global business and applications, please contact us here.